Here I am at the start of what I hope to be a most enjoyable summer of outdoor adventure to include some epic motorcycle riding and amazing hiking through some of California's most gorgeous wilderness. Alas, I'm calling this little adventure Riding "Versys" Hiking. A bit of a play on words actually...for no other reason than the fact that I will be riding my trusty 2013 Kawasaki Versys 650 (pictured below) and completing a series of hikes in and about the Sierra Nevada mountain range (hence: "Riding Versys (versus) Hiking")
This is the plan. During the next several weeks (prior to my departure), I'll use this space to describe the planning tasks, bike modifications, the gear I'll take, and the routes I plan to travel as I prepare for my journey. Once the journey is underway, I'll continue to journal my experiences at least once a day for the entire week out. The concept is simple really. Each day during the week's adventure
will afford me the opportunity to clock approximately 4 hours of riding
along with another 4 hours or so of hiking throughout the Sierras. This
is the framework for my adventure this coming July and I will use this
platform to document and journal my experience throughout this journey.
Alright. I'll be the first to admit the obvious. This trip might not sound like the most adventurous, epic motorcycle journey one has ever embarked on (and by all measures it simply isn't). I think of all of those truly adventurous types who have gone out on some serious touring in far way and remote areas around the globe. But simply put, I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to make something like this happen in the first place. As far as I'm concerned, it's a real nice first step. So, I'll let my humble journey begin with this, the first entry in what hope will be an interesting story leading up to and including my time away, alone, riding my motorcycle and hiking for a single week during this, the summer of 2015.